Boréas BOS1921 meets the requirements of ultra-thin PC touch panel for high-performance and low-cost tactile functions | Heisener Electronics
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Boréas BOS1921 meets the requirements of ultra-thin PC touch panel for high-performance and low-cost tactile functions

Technology Cover
Post-datum: 2022-10-21, Bourns Inc.

     Boréas Technologies launched the miniature piezoelectric driver product BOS1921, which can provide the piezoelectric tactile touch panel with autonomous operation and sensing functions through a single chip. It is different from other piezoelectric drivers that need special force sensing electronic devices, which can save PC OEMs. Compared with Bor é as' first generation piezoelectric tactile driver BOS1901, BOS1921, which is more advanced, reduces the cost of bill of materials (BOM) by up to twice, reduces the thickness of piezoelectric tactile touch panel, improves the response capability, and provides 15 times higher sensing resolution.

      Simon Chaput, founder and CEO of Bor é as Technologies, said: "PC OEMs are in a market with fierce competition and low profits, and piezoelectric tactile touch panels have become an important differentiated component that stands out from the crowd. Compared with the old mechanical touch panels, piezoelectric touch panels are thinner and lighter, supporting a more crisp tactile experience; piezoelectric touch panels are increasingly adopted by the design of laptops and laptops. Our piezoelectric touch driver products, including BOS1921, are leading the industry Change. "


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